Naming your emotions

June 9, 2012

I can be honest...most of my weight gain has been a result of emotional eating.

Naming your emotions and what causes them


Do you ever suddenly feel sad? Angry? Down? One thing I’ve learned to do…and still need to practice doing…is naming my emotions. If I begin to feel out of balance, I try to think about what has occurred recently. Did I have a troubling conversation a few moments ago? Did I read an article that tugged at my heart? Did I just try to balance my checking account and realize I have much less than I thought? Did something flash across my mind to make me worry?


Clearly naming the emotion and naming the situation that prompted the emotion doesn’t change the situation, but it can help you figure out what’s bothering you. And it could help you address the issue, pray about it specifically, or decide to not let it affect you (if possible).


On my journey to  flee emotional eating, naming my emotion is especially important. It helps me think a few minutes before I grab something sweet and really access the situation.


What strategies do you use to name your emotions?

By katara

I’m trying to use my love of writing and passion for keeping this journey real and relevant to help others navigate successfully and happily through life. It is a journey filled with ups and downs, potholes and mountaintops…but it does not have to be walked alone.

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