Why self publish your book…
I’ve been on both sides of the publishing table…Well, it’s probably more accurate to say I’ve been on most sides of the big round table of publishing.…
Reflections on getting a book published–Part 1
This week my very first book (written under my name) was released! And in my more than 20-something years of publishing, I’ve learned just as much this…
Happy New Year–My throwback resolution
Happy New Year! Happy New Year! How’s the resolutions or goals or new mantras going? Some people say they don’t make resolutions anymore, but…
Finally…My Birthday and What I’ve Learned This Year part 4 of 4
For the past 31 days, I’ve been counting down the days to my birthday by reflecting on what I’ve learned this year and throughout my 43…
Birthday countdown…What I am learning this year (part 3 of 4)
…reflecting on what I’m learning as I turn 43 in a few days (this has been a challenging task to keep up with!) One of the themes…
Honoring Mama (a part of my Mother’s Day series)
That’s me…with my mom sometime in the early 70s! I had planned to post this during my series of blogs…
Celebrating Mother’s Day When Mama Is Not Here
I was mom’s 3rd child and 3rd child to graduate from college (Fair Dillard, N.O., LA!). She was a firm believer in education…thank you, Mama!
Living in Color
I’m seeing in color. I am living in color! For anyone who has dealt with depression, you probably have more than an inkling of what it means…
A Clean Slate
I’ve been thinking about exactly what a clean slate means, especially in light of Holy Week. A clean slate means we’ve wiped clear whatever was there–just…
Depression: When you feel better, do better…. (And when you don’t, take the pressure off of yourself and sit down)
Depression: When you feel better, do better…. And when you don’t, take the pressure off of yourself and sit down. Ever since I’ve come out of the…