Faith and Suffering

September 30, 2011

Since I’ve committed to writing about women of faith and depression, I want to share when I’ve found something very helpful (and true!) During my Bible reading time (I pray for help to read more!), I read the devotional commentary and Scripture from Aspire: The New Woman of Color Study Bible. This Bible was one of my all-time favorite projects to work on (although it was at times overwhelming, it is a reminder that good can come out of our sweat and tears). So, here’s a paragraph written by L. Wooden as commentary to Jeremiah 8; if you’ve ever read the prophecy books or Jeremiah, you’ll know that these books are filled with musings about how sinful Israel and Judah have been; how they have repeatedly turned their backs on their Creator and Savior. It breaks my heart to read about them–until I realize that’s exactly what we do today–participate in an ongoing cycle of denying God’s power! So, as a comforting note, Wooden points out that Jeremiah still address God as “my Comforter in sorrow.” (v. 18) How often do we call God “Comforter” in the midst of our suffering?
Wooden ends with a wonderful paragraph that I’ll meditate on today: “Faith is the thread that maintains the balance between our life as a whole and our suffering. In our suffering, faith becomes the hinge to the door of life, the vein that carries life to our soul. Our affliction comes as a test of our profession of faith in God through Christ Jesus. And with it comes a unique opportunity for us to glorify God.”
Now that’s something to revel in even during times of suffering!

For more information on my favorite study Bible, visit:

By katara

I’m trying to use my love of writing and passion for keeping this journey real and relevant to help others navigate successfully and happily through life. It is a journey filled with ups and downs, potholes and mountaintops…but it does not have to be walked alone.

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