Living in Color
I’m seeing in color. I am living in color! For anyone who has dealt with depression, you probably have more than an inkling of what it means to see in color (and to just see gray). When I am depressed—especially for a prolonged period of time—things seem gray; unclear, uninteresting, dull…like I just want to […]
A Clean Slate
I’ve been thinking about exactly what a clean slate means, especially in light of Holy Week. A clean slate means we’ve wiped clear whatever was there–just like one of my childhood favorite games, Etch-a-sketch. I drew a lot of silly stuff, made mistakes, created pictures on the toy, but as soon as I turned […]
Senior Citizens and Depression: How Can You Help?
How can you help seniors with depression? I know I’m guilty of not always remembering the trials and tribulations senior citizens (usually those over 65 but sometimes younger) may encounter. But depression among seniors is a reality. Consider this: You’ve retired or been forced to stop working because of illness, a lay off or downsizing, […]
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year (2013!) The first full week in 2013 was an incredibly good week for me…and I want to share what I’ve learned from it and why I may be feeling so good.
Naming your emotions
Naming your emotions and what causes them Do you ever suddenly feel sad? Angry? Down? One thing I’ve learned to do…and still need to practice doing…is naming my emotions. If I begin to feel out of balance, I try to think about what has occurred recently. Did I have a troubling conversation a few […]
Change…and how it impacts depression
Sometimes I underestimate just how much change can feed into this emotional journey…sometimes prompting feelings of sadness, the blues and in some cases (usually with a few other prompters) depression. And this goes for good and bad change. I think we really underestimate the impact of good change because it’s “good”…a wedding, a baby, […]
Depression: When you feel better, do better…. (And when you don’t, take the pressure off of yourself and sit down)
Depression: When you feel better, do better…. And when you don’t, take the pressure off of yourself and sit down. Ever since I’ve come out of the closet about depression (right around my 41st birthday in September 2011), I’ve become the depression queen Not a title I was vying for like my beloved Homecoming […]
Anxiety…yikes; How I handled it on this day
Anxiety falls under the same umbrella as depression…and for much of my depression journey, I’ve not be aware of anxiety issues (or at least the depression part took center stage)….but today, I am in a weird sort of way. Something is off kilter in my body: I’ve been waking up before the rosters all year […]
Living Interdependently…Don’t Let Pride (or other stuff) Get in the Way!
Do you find it hard to ask for help? I do. And I’m beginning to realize it’s because of pride. I have an older neighbor to thank for this lesson—sometimes it really is easier to see the beam in another’s eyes…but we got to come back and examine our own view too. You see my […]
New Year’s Resolutions
One year I really enjoyed my New Year’s Resolutions. Here’s what I recall doing and why that year’s resolutions worked out so well. I made reasonable and measurable goals; I even had check points to measure the progress along the way. For example, one of my overall goals was to get out of bad […]