Navigating the Blues
I have not been silent about my continuous bout with the blues. I’ve come to understand the importance of speaking out on the issues, acknowledging that I…
Why I Dislike Photo Shoots! With a 2024 Update
I’ve waited a long, long, long time to take another professional headshot. And I had to come to grips with why–after all, I am checking off…
Why May 27 is a significant day in my life…
This time last year—as I struggled to get work done as I entered my 1-year-anniversary as a full-time freelancer/entrepreneur—I visited my therapist for a tune up. I’ve…
Getting Ahead Of Seasonal Affective Disorder (Depression)
My Happy Light is one of the ways I get ahead of seasonal depression. It’s that time of year…darkness comes earlier, the days are shorter, and…
Honoring Mama (a part of my Mother’s Day series)
That’s me…with my mom sometime in the early 70s! I had planned to post this during my series of blogs…
Senior Citizens and Depression: How Can You Help?
How can you help seniors with depression? I know I’m guilty of not always remembering the trials and tribulations senior citizens (usually those over 65 but sometimes…
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year (2013!) The first full week in 2013 was an incredibly good week for me…and I want to share what I’ve learned from it and…
Naming your emotions
Naming your emotions and what causes them Do you ever suddenly feel sad? Angry? Down? One thing I’ve learned to do…and still need to practice doing…is…
Change…and how it impacts depression
Sometimes I underestimate just how much change can feed into this emotional journey…sometimes prompting feelings of sadness, the blues and in some cases (usually with a few…
Depression: When you feel better, do better…. (And when you don’t, take the pressure off of yourself and sit down)
Depression: When you feel better, do better…. And when you don’t, take the pressure off of yourself and sit down. Ever since I’ve come out of the…